Become a member!

Skanssi pharmacy has a membership programme that helps us to serve you even better. As a member you receive permanent discounts on non-medicinal products, information about health and medication, special offers for members and up to date information about new products and offers.

It pays off to buy all your pharmacy products from us.

Your discount percentage is determined according to the yearly purchases of you and your family. Over-the-counter medicines, non-medicinal products and the out-of-pocket part of prescription medicine costs are counted to your yearly purchases. Thus, the more you buy from us, the better your benefits are.

Membership is free!

It is easy and free to become a member. KELA card is your membership card and no separate card is needed.

You are welcome to visit the pharmacy and ask more about the benefits of membership. You can also fill out an application during the same visit. Remember to take your KELA card with you so that we can register you right away. You become a member the moment we have registered your information.


Skanssi pharmacy register description.

Membership pays off!